Linux is anything but boring. When it comes to customization there are no limits to make your desktop look and feel the way you want. In this article we introduce you to some amazing customization’s that can be done on Ubuntu. Keep in mind that some desktops are easier to customize than others.
In the install guides section of the site you will find a whole section of how to customize specific desktops. Now to some general guidelines on customizations that extends way beyond just the ability to install multiple Desktop Environments like Budgie, Pantheon and KDE Plasma. These customizations change the way your desktop looks and operates. If you are moving from Mac or Windows this is a whole new world for you to explore. You have the ability to change all of your icon sets, Desktop Theme, how windows react to close and minimize commands and the list goes on and on.
To learn more about customizations and the tools that are available for each Desktop please refer to our customization section for your specific desktop.
There is a whole reddit dedicated to customizing your Linux setup. Here are some examples on what can be done in Linux.
Pixal Perfect is a very good example of what can be done in KDE Plasma (Kubuntu) desktop. This configuration uses Live Wallpaper as you can see in the video below.

Modern Yellow is another great example of highly customized system.